Confessions of a Crap Artist

Philip K. Dick

Jack Isidore is a ’crap artist’, a collector of crackpot ideas and worthless objects. His beliefs make him a man apparently unsuited for real life and so his sister, an edgy and aggressive woman, and his brother-in-law, a crass and foul-mouthed businessman, feel compelled to rescue him from it. But, observed through Jack’s murderously innocent gaze, Fay and Charley Hume are seen to be just as obsessed as Jack.

Their obsessions may be a little more acceptable than Jack’s but they are uglier. And, in the end and thanks to Jack’s intervention, theirs lead to tragedy ...


Kustantaja: Orion
Sidosasu: Pehmeäkantinen
ean: 9780575074644
Lajityyppi: Scifi, kauhu ja fantasia

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