The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Volume 2 : 1920-1924

The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Volume 2 : 1920-1924

Woolf, Virginia

With an introduction by Adam Phillips

Monday 17 July 1922. Back from Garsington, & too unsettled to write - I meant to say read; but then this does not count as writing. It is to me like scratching; or, if it goes well, like having a bath - which of course, I did not get at Garsington.

1920. The war is over, and Virginia Woolf is meeting friends old and new, from Maynard Keynes to Vita Sackville-West. She is reading and reviewing voraciously, and the Hogarth Press is thriving. Jacob’s Room was published in 1922, and Woolf began work on what was to become Mrs Dalloway. This was a time of creative highs and lows, as well as a growing confidence as Woolf developed her distinctive literary voice.

Kustantaja: UKBooks
ean: 9781783788699
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2024

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