Affirmators! Mantras (Morning) Card Deck

Barrett, Suzi

This deck of positive affirmation cards offers a breakfast buffet of morning mantras. Pick a card at random, and let its wisdom percolate as you sip your coffee (or whatever you’re into). Read it out loud to set an intention for your day-and repeat as/if/whenever needed! For those of us who weren’t born fully enlightened, it’s nice to have a cheat sheet.

Yay! Love yourself cards are a real thing!Uplifting daily cards for teen girls-and anyone who’s ever been any age at all3.25 x 4 inches; 30 hand-illustrated cards, magnetic closureConceived and written by Suzi Barrett and illustrated by Naomi SlomanExplore how fans are taking #Affirmators! out of the box, and into the universe! It’s . . .

Self-Help without the Self-Helpy-Ness!

Kustantaja: Knock Knock Books
Sidosasu: muu
ean: 9781683493204
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2021

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