Ei saatavilla
Excuses Excuses Excuses Wheel
Get immediate answers to life’s everyday dilemmas! Our Wheels o’ Wisdom share insight with a simple spin-like how to come up with last-minute alibis. Because a bad excuse is better than no excuse.
- Serves up 180 well-crafted lies
- Evade plans with Knock Knock stuff that helps you think on your feet
- A perfect pairing for those in need of cop-outs: white lies and witty gifts
- 10.25 x 10.63 inches; diecut, record-sleeve-style packaging designed by Los Angeles design team ITALIC
Kustantaja: Knock Knock Books
Sidosasu: muu
ean: 9781683491996
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2019
Tuotteet toimitetaan yleensä muutamassa arkipäivässä. Lue tarkemmat tiedot tilausohjeista.
Saatavuus RB-kaupoista
Rosebud Sivullinen | 0 | |
Sivullisen kellari | 0 | |
Rosebud Citycenter | 0 | |
Rosebud Kaivopiha | 0 | |
Rosebud Tiedekulma | 0 | |
Rosebud Maria | 0 | |
Rosebud Kuopio | 0 | |
Keskusvarasto | 0 | |
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