Modern One Sketch a Day
This handy portable sketchbook has space to draw daily for one year. With a striking cover design, shimmering foil accents, and both gridded and blank pages for your various sketching styles, it’s the perfect way to build a creative habit and document a year’s worth of artistic journeys.
A CREATIVE WAY TO DOCUMENT A YEAR: Practice your sketching skills, establish a daily drawing practice, or simply create a visual record of your year. Keep this journal with you to capture impressions that might otherwise pass you by. You’ll create a lasting record of your work and imagination, and see the evolution of your skills.
A GREAT GIFT FOR ARTISTS OR DESIGNERS: Creative types and visual journalers will love this handsome package that’s perfectly sized to take on the go.
INCLUDES: Hardcover journal with foil-stamped cover, 5 x 7 1/8 inches, rounded corners, 192 pages (both blank and gridded), ribbon marker
Kustantaja: Chronicle Books
Sidosasu: muu
ean: 9781452184555
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