Lost & Found : When everything is falling apart, sometimes all you need is a friend
James Gould-Bourn
’Hits that sweet spot between being properly funny and gut-punchingly emotional’ - SunRonnie has resigned himself to a life of loneliness. His life in the crumbling seaside town of Bingham-on-Sea never seemed that bad, but since the loss of his father, the highlights of Ronnie’s solitary days include manning the lost property office at the bus station where he works, and plaguing his local GP with increasingly outlandish ailments. Forgotten or underestimated by all those around him, Ronnie is lost, and he’s not expecting to be found.
But when a chance encounter leads Ronnie to reluctantly foster Hamlet, an unwanted stray dog, his empty days begin to fill with all manner of new responsibilities and experiences. Can these two lost souls help each other to find a new lease of life?’Reading it made me want to dance. An absolute gem of a book’ - Katie Marsh
Kustantaja: Orion
ean: 9781409191322
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2023
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