YLI 25 EURON OSTOKSET SUOMEEN ILMAN POSTIKULUJA (raja normaalisti 50 €, tarjous voimassa 22.9.24 klo 23:59 asti)

Celestial Navigation

Tyler, Anne

’A rich, revolutionary novel...she writes with virtuosity and perfect confidence, insight and compassion’ The TimesJeremy is a child-like, painfully shy bachelor who has never left home. He lives on the third floor of his mother’s boarding house and spends his days cutting up coloured paper to make small collages - until the day his mother dies and the beautiful Mary Tell arrives to turn his world upside down. **ANNE TYLER HAS SOLD OVER 8 MILLION BOOKS WORLDWIDE**’Anne Tyler takes the ordinary, the small, and makes them sing’ Rachel Joyce’She knows all the secrets of the human heart’ Monica Ali ’A masterly author’ Sebastian Faulks’I love Anne Tyler.

Kustantaja: Penguin
Sidosasu: Pehmeäkantinen
ean: 9780099480112
Hyllypaikka (Sivullinen kirjakauppa): huhtikuu 24 UKF fictio kirjahylly

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