Good Sam
Leo McCarey
In the tradition of IT’S a WONDERFUL LIFE, everyone in town agrees that there ought to be more good Samaritans like Sam Clayton (Gary Cooper, HIGH NOON). Sam is a department store manager and a devoted family man. Unfortunately for Sam, no good deed goes unpunished. When Sam loans the family car to the neighbors, he gets sued when they have an accident. When he invites his brother-in-law for a visit much to the dismay of Sam’s wife (Ann Sheridan, Kings Row) the man stays around for six months. Sam is even willing to loan his own family savings to a young couple so they can start their own business and have a baby. Eventually, Sam learns why nice guys finish last when he himself needs someone to turn to! Legendary director, Leo McCarey (THE BELLS OF ST. MARY’S, AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER) directed this dark comedy with gorgeous black-and-white cinematography by the great George Barnes (THE FILE ON THELMA JORDON, REBECCA).
Kustantaja: Paramount Pictures
Sidosasu: dvd
ean: 887090080309
Ilmestymisvuosi: 1948
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