
A set of double-sided cards designed to help us become more confident in the face of adversity; short prompts on one side are accompanied by illustrative photographs on the reverse.

We often overestimate how fragile we are. In our nightmares, we assume that life would become impossible for us far earlier than it actually would. In reality, we could manage perfectly well with a lot less than we currently have. Not that we should want this to happen, of course: it’s simply that we could bear it. We forget our resilience in the face of risk and become unnecessarily timid. Our lives become dominated by a fear of losing things that we could in fact do without. This set of cards is designed to gently remind us that we are far stronger than we imagine.
Reminders for Resilience - Extracts from the Card Set


Kustantaja: School of Life
Sidosasu: muu
ean: 9781915087782


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