Too Late to Awaken : What Lies Ahead When There is No Future?

Slavoj Zizek

The most provocative philosopher of our times returns with a rousing and counterintuitive analysis of our global predicamentWe hear all the time that it’s five minutes to global doomsday, so now is our last chance to avert disaster. But what if the only way to prevent a catastrophe is to assume that it has already happened - that we’re already five minutes past zero hour?Why do we seem unable to avert our course to self-destruction? Too Late to Awaken sees Slavoj ?i?ek deliver his most forceful, hopeful account of our discontents yet. Surveying the interlocking crises we currently face - global warming, war, famine, disease - he points us towards the radical, emancipatory politics that we need in order to halt our drift towards disaster.

Pithy, urgent and witty, ?i?ek’s diagnosis reveals our current geopolitical nightmare in a startling new light, and shows why, in order to change our future, we must reimagine our past.

Kustantaja: Penguin
Sidosasu: Pehmeäkantinen
ean: 9781802063677
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2024

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