Verdura : 10 Vegetables, 100 Italian Recipes
Theo Randall
Cook and eat the Italian way, with 100 fresh, wholesome and delicious vegetarian recipes.
World-renowned chef Theo Randall shares his 10 favourite vegetables and reveals the best ways to cook with them through 100 fabulous recipes covering Aubergines, Zucchini, Asparagus, Artichokes, Mushrooms, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Beans, Squash and Potatoes. From simple pasta dishes to more extravagant dinners for when you have people over, you’ll delight in Theo’s take on the very best of Italian home cooking.
Packed with flavour and stunning photography, this is an essential cookbook and a modern take on the best of Italian ingredients and vegetarian home cooking.
Kustantaja: UKBooks
Sidosasu: Kovakantinen
ean: 9781787139923
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2024
Kirjastoluokka: 68.25
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