Affirmators!® Mantras Midnight Affirmation Cards Deck

This deck of positive affirmation cards is at the ready for those sleepless midnights when your racing mind could use a comforting lullaby (or two . . .

or three). Hooray! Pick a card at random and let its wisdom envelop you in coziness as you count your sheep (or cows, or whatever you’re into). Read it oh-so-softly to yourself, absorb its soothing, inspirational message, then silently repeat your favorite tidbit until you drift into dreamland.

•Like daily affirmations—for insomniacs! •Great mindful gift for women—and anyone trying to get to sleep! •3.25 x 4 inches; 30 hand-illustrated cards, magnetic closure •Conceived and written by Suzi Barrett and illustrated by Vikki Chu •Daytime version also available. Explore how fans are taking #Affirmators!® out of the box, and into the universe! It’s . .

. Self-Help without the Self-Helpy-Ness!®

Kustantaja: Knock Knock Books
Sidosasu: muu
ean: 9781683494461
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2024


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