Spaceblock (An Abrams Block Book)

Christopher Franceschelli

Learn all about space in this out-of-this-world addition to the bestselling Block Book series!3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Blast off! In this follow-up to Alphablock, Countablock, Dinoblock, Cityblock, Buildablock, Farmblock, Loveblock, and Sharkblock, readers will experience the historic moon landing, learn about what modern astronauts do in space, read about the recent landing of Mars rover Perseverance, and more. In keeping with the rest of the series, Spaceblock features the charming art of British design team Peski Studio, die-cut pages, and ten impressive gatefolds, including one that unfolds to 30 inches wide to showcase all the planets in our solar system!

Kustantaja: abrams
ean: 9781419750991

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