The Book LoverÂ’s Bucket List : A Tour of Great British Literature
Caroline Taggart
Exploring the gardens, monuments, museums, and churches with walks both urban and rural, from the Bronte parsonage in Haworth to Zadie Smith’s North London and Shakespeare’s Stratford, The Book Lover’s Bucket List takes you through some 100 wonderfully described literary sites and landscapes, complete with colour destination photographs and illustrations from the British Library collections. Start with Chaucer, Dickens and Larkin in Westminster Abbey. Spend an afternoon at Colliers Wood Nature Reserve in Nottinghamshire and take in the lake D.
H. Lawrence described as ’all grey and visionary, stretching into the moist, translucent vista of trees and meadow’. Venture south to Cornwall and work your way up to the Scottish Highlands, taking detours to Northern Ireland in the west and Norfolk in the east - or simply drop in on the place nearest to you.
Wherever you are in the United Kingdom, you’re never far from something associated with a good book.
Kustantaja: UKBooks
Sidosasu: Kovakantinen
ean: 9780712353243
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2021
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